Are you a
- Australia's highest converting content
- Full XML deal feed integration for Deal Aggregators
- IP Location based targeted creative
- Keyworks and content based targeted creative
- Less invasive and more engaging advertising
- Multiple On-going Revenue Streams
Fast and Easy Setup
Deal Widgets - Full Page
Here are examples of Publisher Full Page Widgets.
The widgets are fully customizable. Click on the button to see how the widgets can be customized.
width: 810px
700px x 750px
Begin Free Today
Jack Media provide easy deal-shopping tools to consumers. These tools have created a new distribution platform that
- Enables daily deal and other group buying sites to be more competitive,
- Creates new revenue streams for online publishers and
- Promotes greater control for merchants who wish to reap the benefits but minimize the risks of group buying promotions.
Australian Network
James Kitchener
Director at Jack Media, VouchersIn, DealsGuide and Online Media Junkies
Online marketing exec with broad experience in all aspects of
Conversion Optimization, Affiliate Tracking and Management, Search
Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Traffic
Generation, Website Design and Programming, Email Marketing. Direct
experience with multiple early-stage startups websites that have gone on
to being sold. Known in the super affiliate in the Australian affiliate
space, James has spoken at many tech conferences within Australia.Connect with James on
New Zealand and
Canada Network
Jerry Backer
Sales and Affiliate Manager
With his many years of experience in sales, marketing and management,
Jerry understands what it takes to start, operate and lead a business
to success. A self-taught business professional, Jerry believes that he
learned most of what he knows primarily through his own and other people
mistakes. He started his first company in the organic food industry
with the goal of moving the world closer to healthy and sustainable
living as well as to educate people on the importance of eating local
and organic fresh food. After building that company into a huge success,
Jerry decided to utilize his incredible passion and knowledge in the
Marketing industry."A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."
Specializes in Sales, Management, IT, Cost-per-click advertising, Cost-per-lead advertising, Cost-per-sale advertising, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Performance Marketing, and Lead Generation
Connect with Jerry on
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